
here you can find the original config file

-- Configuration table for the FinalZ Rent script
config = {
    -- Enable or disable the use of ox_target
    oxtarget     = true, -- if you set this to false, please set up your own textUI in cl_utils.lua
    -- Enable or disable custom license plates
    customplate  = false,

    plate        = 'RENT', --plate for the rented cars (ONLY IF CUSTOMPLATE IS TRUE)

    --Buy here: (3€+VAT) https://finalz-scripts.tebex.io/ | Or set up your own notify >> cl_utils.lua
    -- FinalZNotify = false, --currently not available SET UP YOUR OWN NOTIFY IN cl_utils.lua
    lang         = 'en',

    refreshTime  = 60, --time in seconds to refresh the expiration time
    account      = 'bank', --bank or money to check and remove money from
    rentalPoints = {
        [1] = {
            npc = "a_m_m_prolhost_01",
            coords = vector4(-990.224182, -2702.887939, 12.828613, 290.0),
            vehSpawn = vector4(-982.826355, -2698.984619, 13.828613, 45.0),
            blip = { label = "Rental Point 1", id = 225, color = 3 },
            Rentables = {
                    name = 'sultanrs',
                    label = 'BMW M5',
                    image = 'assets/bmw-m5.png',
                    price = 5400,
                    category = 'car'
                    id = 3,
                    name = 'faggio',
                    label = 'Faggio Sport',
                    image = 'assets/faggio.png',
                    price = 1200,
                    category = 'bike'
                    id = 4,
                    name = 'mule',
                    label = 'Mule',
                    image = 'assets/mule.png',
                    price = 1200,
                    category = 'special cars'
        [2] = {
            npc = "a_m_m_prolhost_01",
            coords = vector4(-987.8705, -2705.7686, 12.8307, 307.8643),
            vehSpawn = vector4(-977.0032, -2703.9900, 13.8709, 283.9779),
            blip = { label = "Rental Point 1", id = 225, color = 3 },
            Rentables = {
                    name = 'sultanrs',
                    label = 'BMW M5',
                    image = 'assets/bmw-m5.png',
                    price = 5400,
                    category = 'car'
                    id = 3,
                    name = 'faggio',
                    label = 'Faggio Sport',
                    image = 'assets/faggio.png',
                    price = 1200,
                    category = 'bike'
    Locales      = {
        ['en'] = {
            ['open_rental'] = '[E] to open the car rental',
            ['rental'] = 'Car Rental',
            ['no_money'] = 'You do not have enough money to rent this car.',
            ['succes_rent'] = 'You have successfully rented the car.',
            ['text-red'] = 'Rent',
            ['text-white'] = 'Vehicle',
            ['text-name'] = 'Name',
            ['text-price'] = 'Price',
            ['text-car'] = 'Car',
            ['text-bike'] = 'Bike',
            ['text-special-cars'] = 'Special Cars',
            ['text-yes'] = 'Yes',
            ['text-no'] = 'No',
            ['text-sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to rent',
            ['text-for'] = 'for',
            ['text-currency'] = '$',
            ['no_cars_rented'] = 'You have no cars rented.',
            ['car_deleted'] = 'The car has been deleted. Rent is over',
        ['hu'] = {
            ['open_rental'] = '[E] gomb a autóbérlő megnyitásához!',
            ['rental'] = 'Autóbérlő',
            ['no_money'] = 'Nincs elegendő pénzed.',
            ['succes_rent'] = 'Sikeresen béreltél egy autót.',
            ['text-red'] = 'Autó',
            ['text-white'] = 'Bérlés',
            ['text-name'] = 'Név',
            ['text-price'] = 'Ár',
            ['text-car'] = 'Autó',
            ['text-bike'] = 'Motor',
            ['text-special-cars'] = 'Speciális Autók',
            ['text-yes'] = 'Igen',
            ['text-no'] = 'Nem',
            ['text-sure'] = 'Biztosan bérelni szeretnéd',
            ['text-for'] = 'a',
            ['text-currency'] = 'Ft',
            ['no_cars_rented'] = 'Nincs bérelt autód.',
            ['car_deleted'] = 'Az autót eltávolították. Bérlet lejárt.',


Last updated