Config = {}
Config.SteamWebAPIkey = "" -- register here
Config.Locale = "EN"
Config.UseSteamName = false --If you set this true, instead of charachter names, it will display steam name
Config.ImagePlace = "ox_inventory/web/images/" --inventory images path. add car images here also
Config.UseCarlabels = true -- true = you need to input all of your car label under this settings
-- false = it will use gti8 as example
Config.SetLabels = {
["gti8"] = "WolksVagen gri"
Config.Commands = {
openMarket = "marketplace",
keyToOpen = "pageup", --key or nil. If you set it to nil, keymapping will be disabled.
desc = "Open marketplace"
Config.Category = { -- dont change the values. just the name, dont add new category please.
{ value = "item", name = "Item" },
{ value = "car", name = "Vehicles" }
AddEventHandler("finalZ:notify", function(msg, type)
ESX.ShowNotification(msg, 5000, type)
Config.BlacklistedItems = {
["money"] = true,
["black_money"] = true
Config.BlackListedCars = { --vehivcles that are not allowed to sell --(check the gameName on vehicles.meta -> <gameName>gti8</gameName>)
["gti8"] = false
Config.Locales = {
["EN"] = {
yes = "Yes",
no = "No",
sales_header = "SALES HISTORY",
my_offers_header = "MY OFFERS",
main_header = "Marketplace",
main_subtitle = "FinalZ marketplace where you can sell or buy cars, items or some sketchy things",
sales_subtitle = "FinalZ marketplace where you can sell or buy cars, items or some sketchy things",
myoffers_subtitle = "FinalZ marketplace where you can sell or buy cars, items or some sketchy things",
last_deal = "Last Deal",
total_amount = "Total Amount",
largest_deal = "Largest Deal",
favorite_category = "Favorite Category",
history = "History",
buyer = "Buyer",
item = "Item",
car = "Car",
date = "Date",
category = "Category",
select_option = "Select category",
deal_amount = "Deal Amount",
create_offer = "Create Offer",
my_offers = "My Offers",
marketplace = "Marketplace",
your_offers = "Your Offers",
price = "Price",
amount = "Amount",
purchase = "Purchase",
delete_confirmation = "Are you sure you want to delete this ad?",
alert = "ALERT",
["HU"] = {
yes = "Igen",
no = "Nem",
my_offers_header = "AJÁNLATAIM",
main_header = "Piac",
main_subtitle = "FinalZ piactér, ahol autókat, tárgyakat vagy néhány kétes dolgot vásárolhat vagy eladhat",
sales_subtitle = "FinalZ piactér, ahol autókat, tárgyakat vagy néhány kétes dolgot vásárolhat vagy eladhat",
myoffers_subtitle = "FinalZ piactér, ahol autókat, tárgyakat vagy néhány kétes dolgot vásárolhat vagy eladhat",
last_deal = "Utolsó üzlet",
total_amount = "Teljes összeg",
largest_deal = "Legnagyobb üzlet",
favorite_category = "Kedvenc kategória",
history = "Történelem",
buyer = "Vásárló",
item = "Tétel",
car = "Autó",
date = "Dátum",
category = "Kategória",
select_option = "Válasszon kategóriát",
deal_amount = "Üzleti mennyiség",
create_offer = "Ajánlat létrehozása",
my_offers = "Ajánlataim",
marketplace = "Piac",
your_offers = "Az Ön ajánlatai",
price = "Ár",
amount = "Mennyiség",
purchase = "Vásárlás",
delete_confirmation = "Biztosan törölni szeretné ezt a hirdetést?",
alert = "FIGYELEM",
IMPORTANT! For working steam profile you need to add this to your server.cfg
set steam_webApiKey ""
You need to insert the webapi key between ". You can register a key here:
--(check the gameName in vehicles.meta -> <gameName>gti8</gameName>)
Game name is the key for the images, and to blacklist. For the items its almost the same as vehicles, how you add an item, you can add image with that spawn code. so if the item is bread then the image name should be bread.png
Last updated