Here you can find the original config file
Config = {}
Config.MinigameSettings = {
difficulty = "hard" --
Config.MinigameKeys = {
[0] = 'w',
[1] = 'a',
[2] = 's',
[3] = 'd',
AddEventHandler("notify", function(msg, type, time)
title = 'FinalZ Fishing',
description = msg,
type = type,
duration = time
Config.buyers = {
coords = vector3(-1815.0890, -1193.2690, 14.3048),
heading = 68.1731,
model = "a_m_y_business_02",
label = "FinalZ fishy",
blip = {
label = "FinalZ fishy",
color = 3,
scale = 0.8,
sprite = 371
Config.Fishes = { -- dont add new categories!
['normal'] = {
[0] = { fish = 'fishing_carp', price = 100 }, -- Ponty
[1] = { fish = 'fishing_buffalo', price = 100 }, -- Bivalyhal
[2] = { fish = 'fishing_bream', price = 100 }, -- Keszeg
[3] = { fish = 'fishing_white_bass', price = 100 }, -- Fehér sügér
[4] = { fish = 'fishing_yellow_perch', price = 100 }, -- Sárga sügér
[5] = { fish = 'fishing_pike', price = 100 }, -- Csuka
[6] = { fish = 'fishing_cod', price = 100 }, -- Tőkehal
[7] = { fish = 'fishing_walleye', price = 100 }, -- Süllő
[8] = { fish = 'fishing_salmon', price = 100 }, -- Lazac
[9] = { fish = 'fishing_pufferfish', price = 100 }, -- Gömbhal
[10] = { fish = 'fishing_sturgeon', price = 100 }, -- Sávos vörösmárna
[11] = { fish = 'fishing_suremullet', price = 100 }, -- Tokhal
[12] = { fish = 'fishing_trout', price = 100 }, -- Pisztráng
['rare'] = {
[1] = { fish = 'fishing_buffalo', price = 200 }, -- Bivalyhal
[2] = { fish = 'fishing_bream', price = 200 }, -- Keszeg
[3] = { fish = 'fishing_white_bass', price = 200 }, -- Fehér sügér
[4] = { fish = 'fishing_yellow_perch', price = 200 }, -- Sárga sügér
[5] = { fish = 'fishing_pike', price = 200 }, -- Csuka
[6] = { fish = 'fishing_cod', price = 200 }, -- Tőkehal
[7] = { fish = 'fishing_walleye', price = 200 }, -- Süllő
[8] = { fish = 'fishing_salmon', price = 200 }, -- Lazac
[9] = { fish = 'fishing_pufferfish', price = 200 }, -- Gömbhal
[10] = { fish = 'fishing_sturgeon', price = 200 }, -- Sávos vörösmárna
[11] = { fish = 'fishing_suremullet', price = 200 }, -- Tokhal
[12] = { fish = 'fishing_trout', price = 200 }, -- Pisztráng
[13] = { fish = 'fishing_tigershark', price = 200 }, -- Cápa
[14] = { fish = 'fishing_turtle', price = 200 }, -- Teknős
[15] = { fish = 'fishing_swordfish', price = 200 }, -- Kardhal
Config.Locale = "EN"
Config.Locales = {
["EN"] = {
TargetLabel = "Sell fishes",
SwimminFeed = "You cannot feed while swimming!",
vehicleFeed = "You cannot feed from a vehicle!",
SwimminCatch = "You cant start fishing while swimming!",
vehicleCatch = "You cannot start fishing from vehicle!",
noFishFood = "You have no fish food!",
alreadyFeed = "You have already fed once, wait until it runs out!",
noWater = "There is no water nearby!",
failedCatch = "Unfortunately, you messed up hooking the bait, so it crumbled.",
fishCatched = "You caught a fish: ",
fishCatchedGarbage = "Unfortunately, you caught some garbage.",
feedingZone = "Feeding zone",
feedingEffect = " minutes left of the feeding effect",
feedingEffectEnded = "The feeding effect has ended!",
CantCarry = "You can't carry more items!"
["HU"] = {
TargetLabel = "Hal eladás",
SwimminFeed = "Úszás közben nem tudsz etetni!",
vehicleFeed = "Járműből nem tudsz etetni!",
SwimminCatch = "Úszás közben nem tudsz horgászni!",
vehicleCatch = "Járműből nem tudsz horgászni!",
noFishFood = "Nincs nálad haltáp!",
alreadyFeed = "Már etettél egyszer, várd meg míg az elfogy!",
noWater = "Nincs víz a közeledben!",
failedCatch = "Sajna elrontottad a csali horogra akasztását, így szétmorzsolódott a csali.",
fishCatched = "Kifogtál egy halat: ",
fishCatchedGarbage = "Sajnos egy szemetet fogtál ki.",
feedingZone = "Etetőanyag zóna",
feedingEffect = " perc van hátra az etetőanyag hatásából",
feedingEffectEnded = "Az etetőanyag hatása véget ért!",
CantCarry = "Nem fér el nálad több!"
Last updated