Original config file
Config = {}
Config.Core = "qb" -- or qb
Config.oxTarget = false
Config.Marker = {
type = 3,
size = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
color = {255, 0, 0, 100},
rotate = true,
bobUpAndDown = true,
AddEventHandler("notify", function(msg, type)
title = "FZ dealers",
position = "top",
description = msg,
type = type
Config.TextUi = function(msg, type)
if type == "show" then
elseif type == "hide" then
Config.CallJobs = {
["police"] = true,
Config.TimeBeforeDisappear = 1 -- time before the ped disappear MINUTES
Config.BlipDisappearTime = 30 -- seconds
Config.PoliceBlip = {
label = "%s - NPC robbery",
sprite = 159,
scale = 0.8,
radius = 100.0,
color = 2
Config.Dealers = {
[1] = {
ped = "mp_m_freemode_01",
coords = vec4(1201.3766, -3189.6201, 6.0281, 333.7312),
Items = { -- ['itemname'] = amount - table or false note that these are not randomly given to player it gives them along with
["money"] = 232,
["black_money"] = 21,
['weapon_pistol'] = 3,
['ammo-9'] = 32,
isArmed = { -- table or false
chanceToFight = 50, -- it will fight or give him self up
weapon = "weapon_appistol",
combat_ability = 2, -- 0: CA_Poor; 1: CA_Average; 2: CA_Professional
blip = { -- table or false
sprite = 603,
color = 2,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isPedGuarding = { -- table or false
range = 10.0,
movingMeters = 10,
timeBetweenMoving = 3.0 --seconds
timeBeforePolice = 10, --Time before npc calls the police only available if you setted the jobs
cooldown = 1 --minutes
[2] = {
ped = "mp_m_freemode_01",
coords = vec4(1205.7979, -3244.3506, 5.7979, 84.6535),
Items = { -- ['itemname'] = amount - table or false note that these are not randomly given to player it gives them along with
["money"] = 10000,
["black_money"] = 1000,
['weapon_appistol'] = 1,
['ammo-9'] = 1000,
isArmed = { -- table or false
chanceToFight = 50, -- it will fight or give him self up
weapon = "weapon_pistol",
combat_ability = 2, -- 0: CA_Poor; 1: CA_Average; 2: CA_Professional
blip = { -- table or false
sprite = 603,
color = 2,
scale = 0.8,
display = 4,
isPedGuarding = { -- table or false
range = 10.0,
movingMeters = 10,
timeBetweenMoving = 3.0 --seconds
timeBeforePolice = 10, --second
cooldown = 1 --minutes
Config.locales = {
ShootHimBeforePolice = 'Shoot him before he calls the police!',
heCalledThePolice = 'He called the police! RUN!',
NPCIsDead = 'He cant call the police from now on!',
Loot = 'Press [E] to loot',
Last updated